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Getting the Most Out of This Site

Getting the Most Out of This Site

Personal trainers and the like are terrific—when they’re accessible. Unfortunately, individual counseling is still a rarity with CRAFT, despite its proven effectiveness. Allies in Recovery was created to bridge that gap. In this post, founder and CEO Dominique Simon-Levine outlines the many forms of training, education, and guidance that we offer on this website. We hope it helps you find the support you need.

Discussion Blog Posts

What Do These Mood Shifts Mean?

What Do These Mood Shifts Mean?

Why is your son having such wild mood and behavior swings over the course of the day? There are several possibilities to consider: mental illness such as depression or anxiety, a mood disorder or moody personality, drug/alcohol use, or some combination of the above… 

The College Conundrum — CRAFT’s Position

The College Conundrum — CRAFT’s Position

Allies member “sophia” has arranged a tentative contract with her son with regards to financing his return to college. He is in early recovery and is quite motivated to return to school, the place where his use spun out of control. He has agreed to pay for his own tuition for now…

Getting My Parents On Board with CRAFT

Getting My Parents On Board with CRAFT

In the moment when the Loved One makes a request, it is hard to disentangle whether to provide help or not. Does the help soften a consequence that results from their substance use? Or does the help provide them support for the practicalities of life, a life that teeters on the brink of crashing?

Should I Take the Risk of Sectioning Her?

Should I Take the Risk of Sectioning Her?

You want to civilly commit your sister without the help of her husband. Sectioning someone can indeed create friction in the family, in this case between you, your Loved One and her husband. There is no way around it. *Can others on this site share details of their sectioning experience with diezil?

I Hate the Junkie He Has Become

I Hate the Junkie He Has Become

Your son is far from the point of having any choice about getting high. When the drugs win, so do the manipulation, lies, and hateful behavior directed at you. It would shake any parent to their core. It is deeply affecting. 

Our Front Is Not So United

Our Front Is Not So United

Relationships can be gradually worn down and eventually ruined with such fundamental and ongoing disagreements. Addiction is a lifelong affliction. As a family you will fare better if you can find agreement on how to move forward.

Do I Have to Kick Her Out?

Do I Have to Kick Her Out?

Telling your Loved One not to come back until they've kicked the habit is a lose/lose situation. You miss the moments when they are ready to try to stop, when you can help with treatment, and they miss the help line you offer…

We Thought Things Were Better—Then We Found Paraphernalia

We Thought Things Were Better—Then We Found Paraphernalia

Your son has come a long way since you last wrote us. He reduced/stopped the nicotine, the gaming, and the pot. You don’t mention his drinking but he almost certainly is not drinking under your roof. He is ambiguous about going back to school but he did get a 30-hour-a-week job. He is seeing two therapists.

I Think She’s Trying to Slowly Die

I Think She’s Trying to Slowly Die

Your 27-year-old daughter has been drinking heavily for three years and recently attempted suicide while under the influence. She’s with a man, we’ll assume he also drinks, who abuses her. She has been to treatment three times.

Fentanyl is Winning Over the Sober Living

Fentanyl is Winning Over the Sober Living

"Even after at least 7 narcan doses to revive him he apparently used again during the night, though we were with him."  Fentanyl hijacks our ability to find pleasure elsewhere in life, and the withdrawals are so agonizing that we'll do absolutely anything to avoid them.

Our Parents Keep Bailing My Brother Out!

Our Parents Keep Bailing My Brother Out!

This is the story of older, well-meaning parents who are inadvertently supporting an adult child's substance use. By bailing him out of sticky situations, they end up softening the more difficult moments, thus preventing the Loved One from experiencing natural consequences. This becomes equivalent to enabling their continued using.

In a Sober House and Struggling

In a Sober House and Struggling

The period of early recovery is fragile, even dangerous. As important as it is to remove the drugs, it is even more important to add things in that take the place of the drugs and that provide meaning, guidance, and that support recovery and health…

Why Preparing a Treatment Plan Works!

Why Preparing a Treatment Plan Works!

Again and again, research has shown that people are more likely to follow through on something they themselves want and intend to do — if it is made easier to do. We are more likely to eat healthy if fresh salads are placed at eye-level in the cafeteria. We’re more likely to donate blood when the bloodmobile shows up in our company parking lot.

He Rarely Drinks in Front of Us

He Rarely Drinks in Front of Us

Your son is afflicted with Asperger’s, depression and anxiety, and a possible alcohol issue. He is 23, lives at home, and is planning to leave home to join Americorps in 6 months. You just discovered that he is drinking, probably late at night, alone.