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What We Can and Can’t Control: It’s Good to Know the Difference

What We Can and Can’t Control: It’s Good to Know the Difference

Erica2727 has a husband who’s working hard on his recovery, but his place of work concerns her. She would like him to consider various options, but isn’t sure about how to talk over such matters with him. Allies’ writer Laurie MacDougall offers a guide to a vital distinction: on the one hand, what we can and should seek to control; and on the other, what we cannot, and don’t need to burden ourselves with attempting.

Discussion Blog Posts

He’s Bullying Me For Drug Money

He’s Bullying Me For Drug Money

Your son is using. If he succeeds in wearing you down with his verbal bullying you will not have the energy and motivation to help engage him into needed treatment. The CRAFT stance: Mom is no longer in your pocket, son. Mom is there for treatment when you’re ready. 

Will They Live Long Enough to Get a Shot at Sobriety?

Will They Live Long Enough to Get a Shot at Sobriety?

There are definite limits to what a family can do. What a difficult and complicated situation your family is in. To watch two sisters fight and resist critical help when they are obviously in much difficulty has got to be gut wrenching. The question is how to walk the line between protecting them from potential danger while allowing the natural consequences that can lead them to want to make a change.

Come out of the Gray Area

Come out of the Gray Area

What you describe is a terrible, terrible situation. When drugs and alcohol have taken over, the parent is drawn into the needs of the addiction, blamed when resources come up short, attacked when they refuse to provide the "help" requested. 

Why Is My Boundary-Setting Not Working?

Why Is My Boundary-Setting Not Working?

Why is it that setting and maintaining boundaries is so difficult to do? Nowhere does this breakdown become more apparent than when we are confronted with life’s difficulties, feeling lost in chaos and despair.

A Love Letter to Allies in Recovery

A Love Letter to Allies in Recovery

Wow am I excited to tell you this!! I get messages every day from someone at one point or another along the journey of having a son or daughter who is struggling. One Mom recently wrote to say her son who is an IV Heroin user had just relapsed…

How Can I Intervene from Far Away?

How Can I Intervene from Far Away?

It can be hard to tell over the phone when your son is high. He will probably not slur and you have no visual cues. It is subtle— is he in an unusually good mood and therefore high, or really cranky and therefore probably in withdrawals?

In Addition to the Substances, He’s Gaming All Night…

In Addition to the Substances, He’s Gaming All Night…

The combination of the alcohol, pot, and gaming has ruined his first semester at college to the point that he is now forced to take a leave from school. It’s a huge consequence. It also brings up a whole set of questions about how you will address this change in plans. 

Allies in Recovery Philosophy Statement

Allies in Recovery Philosophy Statement

We want to make clear that while at Allies in Recovery we do not see medication as our only goal, we have no wish to stigmatize a treatment plan that includes medication. We are here with a strong, evidence-based training program designed to help family members and others in the community of the Loved One gain the skills they will need.

After Treatment and Relapses Now She’s in Jail

After Treatment and Relapses Now She’s in Jail

All of this may make you want to give up on treatment. Please don’t. In one study of treatment, it took 4 treatment episodes on average to get any traction into sobriety. It’s hard to do, but every new treatment episode should be looked on as a new day…it has the chance of working.

The Huge Challenge of the Holidays

The Huge Challenge of the Holidays

As the holidays approach, many families and Loved Ones begin to anticipate complicated feelings and situations. As Thanksgiving approaches, Mostlysunny wonders what the CRAFT angle would be on dealing with her 24-yr-old son who suffers from depression and is currently drinking heavily.

If Suicide is a Risk, is CRAFT Still Appropriate?

If Suicide is a Risk, is CRAFT Still Appropriate?

The talk of suicide is indeed very worrisome and can stop families from allowing natural consequences. The fear is that taking away money, or not answering their phone calls, or leaving them alone when high will lead the Loved One to suicide.

What Does Being “In Denial” Actually Mean?

What Does Being “In Denial” Actually Mean?

Accepting something life-shattering is gradual, it's a journey—one that involves grief and soul searching. If it's happening to you, be open to the truth and gentle with yourself. If it's happening to someone you know, tread lightly and with compassion.

Am I Enabling Use?

Am I Enabling Use?

I believed with all my heart that the responsibility of curing him of this disease lay solely upon me and my ability to not enable. I eventually learned this was not the truth. While we can contribute in negative or positive ways and influence the situation, we cannot orchestrate a specific outcome.

We Don’t Know When My Brother is High

We Don’t Know When My Brother is High

What a shock to learn your brother has been using opioids all this time. Opioid use can be like this. A person can look almost passed out, eyes glazed and half shut, scratching their face; perhaps unusually happy and, conversely, energized. These are all signs of opioid use.

My Husband is More Angry When He Drinks

My Husband is More Angry When He Drinks

Your husband’s anger is its own thing, separate from alcoholism but ignited by the alcohol. The anger makes everything so much harder. He directs it at you, blames you for how badly he feels about his drinking. You are closest to him and therefore the most likely victim of his finger pointing.