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Straight to Treatment After Jail? Do I Stick to My Guns?

Straight to Treatment After Jail? Do I Stick to My Guns?

Sometimes we can see the likely future: our Loved One returns to the shelter of home, hides away in their room, and simply doesn’t get the treatment they need to make progress with their SUD. Allies’ member HelenBo doesn’t want to see that happen with her son, who is struggling with heroin and other substances. What other housing options will he have upon release? As Laurie MacDougall writes, there are often more than we realize. At the same time, such transitions are critical moments for our Loved Ones. Having a list of specific housing and treatment options at hand—along with the CRAFT skills to communicate about them effectively—can make all the difference.

Discussion Blog Posts

Addiction Is Like A Flood

Addiction Is Like A Flood

Annie Highwater shares more words of wisdom with the community. Here's a lovely reminder for family members that 1) we have work to do! and 2) recovery is a beautiful thing. 

I’m Foster Parenting Her Kids

I’m Foster Parenting Her Kids

MommaB3 is raising her Loved One's kids, and she's at a loss. It seems impossbile to understand how a parent can choose drugs over their children. Dominique Simon-Levine shares her wisdom to help chart a path forward for the family. 

He’s Not Taking The Suboxone…

He’s Not Taking The Suboxone…

A Loved One is spinning out of control again. His family member is torn about paying for another 3 weeks at the Suboxone clinic since it seems like he isn't taking it. Dominique Simon-Levine weighs in with an approach to offering the Loved One support.

Showing a Loved One the Door

Showing a Loved One the Door

hopefulin2018 is facing a big transition. It looks like her Loved One will be asked to leave the house in a few weeks. Dominique Simon-Levine lays out a sound approach for embracing this transition with grace and compassion.

I Can’t Bear Another Relapse

I Can’t Bear Another Relapse

Milliemouse is in despair having learned of her Loved One's recent use. She doesn't know whether or not to bring it up. Dominique Simon-Levine examines how a family member can manage their own expectations and thinking around a Loved One's progress.

I’m Worried He’s Relapsing

I’m Worried He’s Relapsing

A family member wonders if she should bring up concerns about relapse. Her Loved One doesn't live near her and he's battling alcoholism on top of serious mental health issues. Take a look at a CRAFT perspective on connecting with an isolated Loved One in early recovery. 

Should I Let Him Use The Car?

Should I Let Him Use The Car?

123peace has had enough of driving her Loved One around. He just got his license back. Giving him her car to use could be a relief in some ways, but potentially risky in others. See how Dominique Simon-Levine naviagtes the options.

I’m Reeling from a Violent Episode

I’m Reeling from a Violent Episode

After a violent outburst, a family member had to section her Loved One. She is upset and worried about what will happen when he gets out. Read Dominique Simon-Levine's advice for finding a way through these disturbing times. 

He’s Talking About Suicide

He’s Talking About Suicide

A Loved One has been falling back on old behaviors, and is making threats about suicide.  He's staying in a specialized clinic, where they should be fielding the immediate concerns. Dominique Simon-Levine charts a way through for the family while leaning on the support of the clinic to get this Loved One the help he needs. 

Our Relationship Is Damaged

Our Relationship Is Damaged

A family member is fearful and anxious; her Loved One refuses to communicate. She may have overstepped boundaries in a moment of great frustration. See Dominique Simon-Levine's perspectives on drawing helpful lines with a Loved One who is disrespectful – while leaving room to rebuild a damaged relationship.

It’s A Fragile Time

It’s A Fragile Time

Back from treatment, a Loved One has been attending meetings, but he may have used already. The family wants to connect him to more support. Read Dominique Simon-Levine's suggestions for finding him other options in this fragile time.

Should I Help With Therapy?

Should I Help With Therapy?

help4t's Loved One hit some roadblocks finding a therapist. But she's making efforts to clean things up otherwise. Read on for our recommendations on how to support a Loved One's quest for more treatment.

Reinforcements vs. Bribes

Reinforcements vs. Bribes

A family member writes in wondering about rewarding her Loved One for attending a few recovery group meetings. Guest author and recovery enthusiast Laurie MacDougall sheds light on the key differences between bribes, incentives and rewards for positive behavior. 

Is He Really Ready To Come Home?

Is He Really Ready To Come Home?

A Loved One is 6 months sober now, but he's not really doing his recovery work. Is it too soon for him to come back home? Here are some suggestions for supporting the whole family during this time of transition.

How Long Until the Methadone Really Starts to Work?

How Long Until the Methadone Really Starts to Work?

PThasnohead's Loved One is struggling to follow through on her daily methadone dose. After a hospital visit, he saw an opportunity to talk about more treatment options… but his LO feels he's just being controlling. Dominique Simon-Levine suggests an approach to consider for the next few weeks.

He’s Improved But Still Gaming

He’s Improved But Still Gaming

What is the best course when a Loved One is doing well, but not quite out of the woods yet? Dominique Simon-Levine provides perspective for the family who is encouraged by progress but still concerned. 

When Is Sectioning A Good Idea?

When Is Sectioning A Good Idea?

Deciding when a Loved One might need civil commitment can be a great challenge. In this post, Dominique Simon-Levine examines helpful perspectives for the family to consider. 

He Won’t Answer My Texts

He Won’t Answer My Texts

onedayatatime knows her Loved One needs help, but he often disappears for long stretches of time right after he seems to start opening up to her. Read on for Dominique Simon-Levine's insights as she lays out some important considerations for this situation. 

I’m Feeling Scared and Mistrustful

I’m Feeling Scared and Mistrustful

A family member sees her Loved One starting back with old habits, but he had been doing so well. Dominique Simon-Levine shows how CRAFT can help guide a family member through the panic of facing another relapse.