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When Song, Faith, and Joy are Enough
The full name of the song is “Ndikhokhele Bawo,” which means “Lead me, Father” in Xhosa. These South African youths, assembled in their school’s courtyard, transform their place of learning into a concert hall with nothing more than the power of their voices. But it’s their spirit of joy and solidarity that lifts the beautiful into the realm of the sublime.
Sanctuary Posts
If You Feel It, Sing It
This crooning, piano-playing pup provides a good dose of comic relief, which we all need, daily! But perhaps there is another message we can receive from him….
The Power of Writing
A number of studies have shown that writing regularly in a journal can improve both mental and physical health. The best way to care for your Loved One is to care for yourself, and devoting time to writing and self-evaluation is a key part of AiR's program. Here are some tips for making the most of the tools offered on this site.
Listen to These Guys
In this unassuming homemade video, made with the equipment they could afford, Fresh Ré incite us, both by their model, and through the lyrics of the Labrinth song they're singing, to express ourselves.
Sometimes Raw is Better
These two boys from Ireland have fire in their bellies. I love the way they give themselves so completely to the song. I love how they set up in front of the recycling bins – it's clearly what they have to give that matters, not some glossy image they're trying to project.
Me? Meditate?
Over the years I have come to see the act of sitting down in silence as a gift I am giving myself. But I did not always see it thus. For so long my self-worth was wrapped up in how much I could accomplish in a day. The very act of slowing down felt wrong…
SILENCE. It's not nothingness. SILENCE. It's a settling, a focusing, a calming. It's a pause. SILENCE. What's in it for you? SILENCE. When can you make some time to experiment with it?
The Tree of Life Blessing
Artist Shiloh Sophia McCloud offers a poetic meditation on love, positivity, and self-care.
A Historic Sanctuary in New Mexico
On a sunny winter afternoon in New Mexico, snow thaws on the roof of the San Francisco de Asis Mission Church, a quiet and historic place of retreat.
Learn About the Antidotes to Shame
When addiction is present, shame is never far away. In this post, Dr. Brené Brown, a shame and vulnerability expert, shares the #1 antidote to shame, along with the 3 things you can do to break a shame spiral.
Why Shame is Not Your Friend
Researcher Dr. Brené Brown describes shame as the intensely painful feeling that we are unworthy of love and belonging. It’s the most primitive human emotion we all feel, and one that no one wants to talk about.
Give Yourself the Gift of Self-Care this Holiday
How well are you caring for yourself this holiday? Allies in Recovery can help you get back on track. This inspiring, shopping-mall flash mob from our members’ Sanctuary will get you started.
A Holiday Surprise
It is just another day at a local shopping mall until some unsuspecting holiday shoppers get a big surprise while enjoying their lunch.
Nurturing the Emotions
If we don't have an outlet to express our emotions, they will accumulate in the mind and body, negatively impacting our mental and physical health. In part 4 of our self-care series, we share practical advice for managing and nurturing our emotional selves.
Self-Care for the Mind
How do we stop the negative tape loops in our heads and treat ourselves with greater compassion and positivity? In part 3 of our self-care series, we will look at the ultimate form of mind-nurture.
An Ode to Wobbly, Imperfect Humanity
Being human makes us very imperfect, and subject to high’s and low’s. But just look what it possible when we are determined, and we practice connecting with other human beings.
Self-Care for the Body
How well are you caring for your body? ln today's frenetic world, men and women alike leave their bodies in the dusty trail of career pursuits, overbooked social schedules, and family responsibilities. Psychologist Alice Domar recommends specific steps we can take to nurture our physical selves.
Caring for Yourself as You Care for Others
Do you ever find yourself feeling fatigued, resentful, angry, or stressed because you are putting your Loved One’s needs before your own? You are investing your time and energy in your Loved One's recovery, so you are especially susceptible to self-neglect.
The Soulful “Roar” of Revelation Avenue
Watch an inspiring 12-piece gospel choir from London as they wow Britian's Got Talent judges and audience members with their rendition of Katy Perry's "Roar."
A Cape Cod Sunrise
Take a few moments to relax, recharge, and watch the sunrise on Naushon, a small island in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Setbacks on the Road to Recovery
Setbacks will be common on the road to recovery. When old impulses kick in and we, or our Loved One, slip up, it is important that we not give up hope. No one is perfect after all. Witness this hilarious golden retriever.