Sanctuary Blog

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“Hi Ren” Brings the Inner Demons out in the Open

“Hi Ren” Brings the Inner Demons out in the Open

Our sanctuary blog is often a place where you’ll find light, comfort, and tales of perseverance in the face of immense challenges. Today is no exception—but a warning: all of those familiar qualities are accompanied by one of the more vivid portraits of suffering we’ve shared with you.

Sanctuary Posts

A Cape Cod Sunrise

A Cape Cod Sunrise

Take a few moments to relax, recharge, and watch the sunrise on Naushon, a small island in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

Setbacks on the Road to Recovery

Setbacks on the Road to Recovery

Setbacks  will be common  on the road  to recovery.  When old impulses kick in and we,  or our Loved One, slip up, it is important that we not give up hope. No one is perfect after all. Witness this hilarious  golden retriever. 

self-care for caregivers

self-care for caregivers

“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence,” the writer Audre Lorde once said, “it is self-preservation.” In the midst of busy lives and demanding relationships, self-care is hard to do….

bloom: the healing power of 28,000 flowers

bloom: the healing power of 28,000 flowers

To commemorate the closing of the Massachusetts Mental Health Center’s old building in 2003, the artist Anna Schuleit created “Bloom,” an art installation   that addresses the “persistent absence of flowers in psychiatric hospital settings.” 

wild geese: inspiration from poet mary oliver

wild geese: inspiration from poet mary oliver

Mary Oliver is one of our most beloved and prolific contemporary poets. In this recording, Oliver reads one of her most celebrated poems, “Wild Geese,” — a moving work about human struggle and self-acceptance.

winter frost: a meditation on self-care

winter frost: a meditation on self-care

In this meditative video, frigid temperatures bring snow and frost. Sun breaks through the frost patterns covering the windows of a New Hampshire cabin. Chickadees fly from branch to branch in the tree outside. 

the antidotes to shame

the antidotes to shame

In this week’s video, shame and vulnerability researcher Brené Brown shares the number one antidote to shame and talks about three things you can do to break a shame spiral…

understanding shame

understanding shame

Researcher Dr. Brené Brown describes shame as the intensely painful feeling that we are unworthy of love and belonging. It's the most primitive human emotion we all feel, and one that no one wants to talk about.

peace is always there

peace is always there

What would we have to hold in compassion to be at peace right now? What would we have to let go of to be at peace right now? Jack Kornfield's questions invite us to reflect …

cooper loves ice cream

cooper loves ice cream

Here is fun video to lift your spirits — two dogs enjoying a trip to the McDonald’s drive-thru. Poor Cooper. Sometimes it’s hard to be patient.

a memorable train ride

a memorable train ride

In 2012 the Copenhagen Philharmonic pulled off an audacious stunt—performing Edvard Grieg’s Peer Gynt on a crowded, moving metro train for unsuspecting passengers. The flash mob was performed and recorded in the metro.

a new hampshire sunset

a new hampshire sunset

Take a moment to relax, breathe, and watch the sunset. If you watch closely, you'll see birds, dragonflies, and other summer insects. 

surprised by joy

surprised by joy

A memorable "flashmob" from Sabadell, Spain taps into the joy and humanity that reside in all of us. The majestic music and the magic of the moment bring us together, no matter where we're from or what hardships we face.