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If You Feel It, Sing It

SANCTUARY - tucker dog pianist

This crooning, piano-playing pup provides a good dose of comic relief, which we all need, daily! 

But perhaps there is another message we can receive from him. This month, in different Sanctuary posts, we've been encouraging you to "express yourself" — whenever you need to, however you want to. Because it's who you are.  Because we all need a release. Because creativity is bubbling inside each of us. 

And this doggy, whose daily musical practice you are about to witness, reminds us that the most important thing to do, when you feel that song inside you, is to sing. Whether you sing in tune or it sounds good to others is of little importance. First and foremost, give yourself a break! Sing that song, Dance that dance, Draw that drawing, Write that letter, Build that boat.

Do it for you, first and foremost. And for the others in your entourage who will benefit from being near someone who's doing themselves some good!




In your comments, please show respect for each other and do not give advice. Please consider that your choice of words has the power to reduce stigma and change opinions (ie, "person struggling with substance use" vs. "addict", "use" vs. "abuse"...)