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An Ode to Wobbly, Imperfect Humanity

SANCTUARY - XY - head balancing

This 7-minute video of an acrobatic troupe from France, the XY Compagnie, is worth your attention.

This selection of scenes from their most recent creation, “Il n’est pas Encore Minuit,” invites us to marvel at what human beings can accomplish when we collaborate, expose our vulnerabilities, and practice trust. 

It is an ode, as a text on their website suggests, “to wobbly, imperfect humanity.”

We also see a spectacular and moving tribute to how precious, and fragile, life is. It’s an extraordinary illustration of the extreme highs, and plummeting drops, that make up our emotional and physical landscape. 

“Il n’est pas Encore Minuit”  (“It’s not Midnight Yet”) explores the relationship between balance and imbalance. A description of the inspiration for this show from the company’s website includes this phrase: 

        … (our) constant search for balance, which appears as a succession of imbalances

The road towards your Loved One’s recovery, and to your own improved wellbeing, tends to be laden with up’s and down’s, successes and slip-ups. And yet it is still the right direction to be heading.

Being human makes us very imperfect, and subject to high’s and low’s. But just look what it possible when we are determined, and we practice connecting with other human beings. We can foster connection in so many ways, weaving a fabric together that will be strong enough to help us weather the storms.

I’ll leave you with this phrase, plucked from the XY Compagnie’s website:

“It’s Not Midnight Yet" is like a call to listen, and stay vigilant and compassionate towards each other.

Without climbing on each other’s shoulders or propelling ourselves through the air, we must still respond to this call: the more we listen, pay attention, and show compassion for our selves and each other, the closer we’ll get to our goal.

image courtesy of Compagnie XY


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