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Feeling Empowered and Hopeful as an Ally to My Boyfriend
Problematic alcohol use isn’t on anyone’s wish list for a relationship, but CRAFT can make the challenge easier to bear
Discussion Blog Posts
Home, or Sober Home? It’s Not An Easy Call
After rehab, finding the right living situation for your Loved One can be a profound challenge, as our member’s finding out. Here are some of the most vital questions to ask about sober homes, and to ask oneself.
Building a Bridge to Her Heroin-Using Daughter
Her daughter intends to start rehab for heroin later this year. Meanwhile, the member is wondering what sort of communication can best support her daughter’s recovery. AiR CEO Dominique Simon-Levine offers a clear and detailed answer.
I Fear That My Brother May Go to Jail if I Don’t Intervene
A sister’s cry for help as she considers one of the most drastic steps possible for a loved one—seeking court-ordered involuntary treatment.
AiR’s Lynne Macaluso walks her through the implications of such a step, offers guidance if she decides take it, and reviews the alternatives.
My Daughter’s Boyfriend Has Made Us Want to Move Away
A mother’s long struggle to be an ally for a daughter with a troubled boyfriend—one who has pushed both parents to the breaking point. What positive choices can she make?
The Hard, Worthy Work of Being on His Side
There’s nothing easy about communication with a Loved One who’s convinced they have no issues to address. But with kindness, clarity, and preparation, it can still succeed.
Am I Helping My Son or Enabling His Use?
Responding to a Loved One’s substance use gets complicated when multiple drugs are involved, but CRAFT techniques can help you find the clarity you need.
Recovery is Often a Gradual Process That Takes a Great Deal of Self-Awareness and Humility.
His plan to enter graduate school is a wonderful example of a wish that has become a goal. CRAFT teaches us how to reinforce our LO’s positive behavior by giving small rewards that are meaningful to our LO.
His Need for Friends is Outweighing His Desire to Get Sober
This member’s Loved One is trying to rebuild his social life, but the very people he is connecting with reinforce his drinking. Fortunately he is beginning to show concern over his alcohol use and wants to get help.
My Daughter is Ready to Take the Next Step in Treatment. How Do We Find a Quality Residential Treatment Program for Women?
When your Loved One’s ready for residential treatment at last, will they be able to find it? The search can be daunting, especially for a program designed for women, but it’s absolutely worth the effort. The first step is knowing just what you’re looking for.
He’s OD’d In the Shower Before. This Time I Reached Out.
A little success story—or is it really so little?—about communicating with honesty and compassion.
The Search for Methamphetamine-Specific Treatment Can Be Complicated
Dominique Simon discusses the winding path to the right methamphetamine treatment plan for your Loved One.
If I Don’t Hand Over His Tax Check, Am I Being Manipulative?
Is there anything you can do to prevent your Loved One from using a chunk of cash (like a tax refund) on their substance of choice?
I’m Not the One Who’s Sending Him to Jail
The member has supported their Loved One through relapse after relapse, and now feels near the end of their rope. They’ve paid for lawyers and many rounds of treatment. They’ve helped their Loved One stay out of jail. But nothing much is changing; all they see is an expectation for more. Sometimes not coming to the rescue is exactly the form of support a Loved One needs.
I’m Afraid My Boundaries Could Cause Him to Harm Himself
Are you concerned that your Loved One may be too fragile for CRAFT, too fragile for you to apply firm boundaries? Are you afraid of pushing them away, yet afraid to let them stay with you? Our team weighs in on these difficult questions and addresses what realistic expectations look like for an 18-year-old with severe depression, suicidal ideation and substance use.
I Backed off. Now, I Want to Communicate Better.
This member realized she'd been enabling her son's use. CRAFT and 12 steps helped her move away from controlling/hovering/nagging communication patterns. And it seems her Loved One is already using less! Laurie MacDougall provides guidance here on applying CRAFT for improved results.
Is He Drinking Himself to Death?
When a Loved One has stopped engaging with life, just keeps using heavily, and seems to be waiting for it all to end, can CRAFT actually help?
He Outfoxed Us!
How could this have happened? This family can't believe the scene in front of their eyes. After they stopped providing cash to their LO, he left his rented room and joined a high-rolling criminal circle, who he's calling his "family" now. He lives in a mansion and blames his parents for pushing him to this point. Can CRAFT help now?