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How Much Should I Ask of Him Right Now?

How Much Should I Ask of Him Right Now?

Challenging emotions are natural, but that doesn’t make them easy to deal with. Our heavy feelings and ruminating thoughts can vastly complicate our efforts to support our Loved Ones. Allies’ member Nohp is trying to balance her husband’s treatment needs with feelings of guilt about past agreements between them. Laurie MacDougall offers some CRAFT-informed signposts through this forest of thought and feeling.

Discussion Blog Posts

Cows Do It With Grass, We Do It With Thoughts

Cows Do It With Grass, We Do It With Thoughts

If you were a cow, much of your day would be about eating. And part of your unique digestive process would involve ruminating: the process of bringing back up what’s already been chewed and swallowed, in order to chew and swallow it some more…

Can You Leave Tough Love Behind?

Can You Leave Tough Love Behind?

The idea of changing our whole mindset can seem daunting. Yet as the family of an addicted Loved One, there are some basic, and fundamental shifts you can make. It doesn’t mean turning your whole life upside down.



You may know the feeling well – their behavior can feel like a slap in the face. Dominique Simon-Levine invites us to practice remaining centered despite the questionable behavior of our Loved Ones.

How to Find and Focus On the Core Issues

How to Find and Focus On the Core Issues

Does it seem like everything in your Loved One's life is wrong? Are you having trouble figuring out where to start? Dominique Simon-Levine talks about how she guided one mother to focus on the central problem.

Are You Running the Marathon Too?

Are You Running the Marathon Too?

A father talks about dealing with his son's addiction and recovery. For him, the experience has been like an ultra-marathon, requiring great amounts of perseverance, endurance and drive.

You’ve Got a Plan!

You’ve Got a Plan!

Pause and take a deep breath. You've made it to this site – this is a HUGE step. Dominique Simon-Levine explains how the AiR resources will help you put together a plan.

Is Your Loved One Using or Not Using?

Is Your Loved One Using or Not Using?

A father shares a story of a family gathering in which his son may or may not have been high. When you are unsure of how to respond to your Loved One, the first question to ask is, "Are they using or are they not?"

Could Your Thinking Be Distorted?

Could Your Thinking Be Distorted?

Recovery is a process. Putting down a drink or a drug doesn’t instantly fix bad habits, low or no skills, or the other struggles of life. You must be prepared for the hard emotions to continue.