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Progress and Appreciation: A Letter From Holland

Progress and Appreciation: A Letter From Holland

Danielle and her son have gone through a lot, individually and together. At Allies, we remember their years of struggle relating to his SUD. What joy, then, to receive this letter updating us on their situation. It’s the best news imaginable: Danielle’s son is clean and stable, and Danielle herself has widened the circle of support to others in need. Have a look at Danielle’s letter for yourself:

Discussion Blog Posts

He Gets Mean and Verbally Abusive

He Gets Mean and Verbally Abusive

Do not take what he says while drinking personally. Do not expect more from him. This is it, your husband is drunk. Do not expect him to remember his nastiness the next day. He is withdrawing that next day. Do not step in at this point with rewards. He isn’t meeting the definition of “not using” the morning after. 

Rapid Detox

Rapid Detox

Rapid detoxification from a drug involves anesthetizing the person and then injecting a high dose of opiate-blocking drugs. The idea is that the person sleeps through the worst of the withdrawal.

I Haven’t Seen a Wish or a Dip – Should I Wait?

I Haven’t Seen a Wish or a Dip – Should I Wait?

Like a wish or a dip, the timing of a planned conversation is important. Your Loved One should be in an okay mood, not completely high or in withdrawals. You, too, need to be in good shape. Remember, quiet….loving….and accepting of whatever answer you get from your Loved One. If it doesn’t work this time, you are prepared to set up again.

How Can I Help Her through This Nightmare ?

How Can I Help Her through This Nightmare ?

Death from overdose is particularly difficult for the family. Isolation is great, the family feels stigmatized or ashamed. There is the terrible feeling that more could have been done to avoid the death. Other family members may not be as supportive as they could be. This two-part article does a good job of laying out the difficulties of losing someone to overdose. As a friend, understanding what the family is going through will feel important.

Desperate Aunt Is Not Desperate Anymore

Desperate Aunt Is Not Desperate Anymore

I cannot express how grateful for all the support, kindness and education you all gave me. Especially, Dominique Simon-Levine, PhD Founder & CEO. I am in awe of you and your dedication and support. I was at my wits end and you were amazing to me. He successfully, networked and started meetings the day after we landed in LA. Completed his IOP. Found a Sponsor who is amazing. Got a job that he has held for 6 months and is now living with a few other friends who are also sober.



All pharmacies in Massachusetts have a standing order to provide you 2 doses of Narcan. You do not need a prescription. If a pharmacy is unaware of this, or is out of stock, go to another pharmacy.

Intervention or Intervention?

Intervention or Intervention?

Look for a "wish" or a "dip" in your Loved One. It is during one of these moments that you talk about treatment. The rest of the time you would not mention it. You want your treatment talk to count, to be listened to. You want your Loved One to be as receptive as can be. Families can sound like broken records when it comes to the topic of getting help, or quitting.

Assaulted While Under the Influence

Assaulted While Under the Influence

I want to thank you for reading this site and for trying hard to help your partner. Not everyone would try. So to put this in terms of CRAFT: your partner has had a terrible scare that may cause her to look at her drinking with a renewed desire to stop. This scare may encourage her to seek more treatment.

When Mental Health & Addiction Have Been Mishandled

When Mental Health & Addiction Have Been Mishandled

One person who can advocate prior to discharge from the hospital is the family. But be prepared, and this may not be true with every psychiatric hospital ward, but the family is too often seen as a thorn in the side. Perhaps the Loved One has also refused to sign a release that allows the family to speak to the clinical team.

Comfort in Chaos

Comfort in Chaos

Once my son went off to treatment, even though it was positive, the abrupt change left me with feelings of loneliness. I was weepy and had feelings of not being needed anymore. 

Now That He’s Sober, I Never Hear From Him

Now That He’s Sober, I Never Hear From Him

Since my son has been sober he basically doesn't call or get together with me. I am in the process of selling family home and I know it is coming with alot of emotion. But I just want him to communicate with me….. I would love to hear how others cope with this.

Tips on Advocating for your LO’s Aftercare

Tips on Advocating for your LO’s Aftercare

Aftercare must focus on both the mental illness and the substance abuse problem. The family must advocate for follow-up psychiatric treatment and a plan for ongoing substance abuse treatment. The family may need to get in there and push for this.

How Can I Reward Him – He’s Always High on Pot!

How Can I Reward Him – He’s Always High on Pot!

Your son appears to always be high. Without confronting him, and asking or accusing him of being high, your best guess is that he is always high and there is no period when he is straight enough for you to reward. The CRAFT approach says when high do three things:

Trigger Happy

Trigger Happy

One thing we can count on in life is this: triggers will always present themselves. Having a planned response will minimize regret over mishandling them. Here are some suggested responses for when triggers occur, that work well for me…

Her Relapse Felt Like a Slap in the Face

Her Relapse Felt Like a Slap in the Face

Millicent is concerned about her daughter being unable to stay away from her heroin-using boyfriend. Meanwhile, Dad is planning to visit their daughter at the inpatient facility where she just began treatment. Dominique Simon-Levine provides some guidelines for the talk he is planning to have.

What If He Has to Detox in Jail?

What If He Has to Detox in Jail?

Methadone can take three to four weeks to shake off both the physical detoxification and the lingering effects of the detoxification, like depression and insomnia. Being dropped from a high dose of methadone, without a careful taper, is frankly inhumane, yet this is what happens to many who land in jail.

He’s Begging to Come Home

He’s Begging to Come Home

As hard as this sounds, I am going to tell you that you are in a good place! Your son is safe, the system is helping to step him down to the next level of care. Let things evolve. This is what you would be trying to get him to do if he came home. You would be trying to get him to leave and go live in a sober house.

Don’t Tell Me to Detach!

Don’t Tell Me to Detach!

There is a hopeless, sinking feeling that comes with well meaning, yet unsolicited, advice when you have a loved one on a roller coaster of addiction. Often suggestions such as “Let them hit rock bottom” and “Don’t enable, give tough love, just put him/her out,” are easier said than done…