Become a member of Allies in Recovery and we’ll teach you how to intervene, communicate and guide your loved one toward treatment.Become a member of Allies in Recovery today.

Allies in Recovery Philosophy Statement


Here at Allies in Recovery, our philosophy is based on the premise that recovery from addiction is far more likely to succeed if family and friends become well-versed in how to interact with the Loved One who struggles with drugs or alcohol. 


One goal can be to get the Loved One into a treatment program, and treatment program might include medication. We want to make clear that while at Allies in Recovery we do not see medication as our only goal, we have no wish to stigmatize a treatment plan that includes medication. We are here with a strong, evidence-based training program designed to help family members and others in the community of the Loved One gain the skills they will need.

These skills include:

  • knowing how and when to talk with the Loved One,
  • knowing how to spot key signs,
  • knowing how to understand stages, and
  • being knowledgeable about, and ready with, a treatment program to suggest to the Loved One at the right moment. 

Numerous scientific studies and our extensive experience has shown that our approach WORKS. For some addicted individuals, medication can be an important complementary aid in recovery. Allies is not an actual provider of treatment programs or of medication; we are here to provide training and guidance to the family and community. We'd just like to make our position clear, since in recent weeks there has been an engaging debate on our blog on the subject of medication.



In your comments, please show respect for each other and do not give advice. Please consider that your choice of words has the power to reduce stigma and change opinions (ie, "person struggling with substance use" vs. "addict", "use" vs. "abuse"...)

  1. Author David Sheff wrote, in his memoir “Beautiful Boy”: ” Rehab isn’t perfect, but it’s the best we have. Medications may help some addicts, but they cannot be expected to replace rehab and ongoing recovery work.”

  2. I have used your learning skills on my son. These skills have given me a great understanding of addiction and ways to communicate with my son. My son has responded to my behavior and has really opened up to me in regards to his addiction.

    He has been in treatment and is now living at home and working. My son is on methadone which was his counselor’s and his decision. It is what works for him. Not that I am happy with this, however, it is regulated and no worry about what he will get on the streets.

    The most important role you played was teaching me the skills getting him into treatment. THANK YOU!