Discussion Blog
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For the First Time Ever, She’s in Voluntary Treatment. Where Does Allies Fit in Now?
Allies in Recovery and the CRAFT approach are just as helpful in the good times as the bad.
Discussion Blog Posts
Quest for Confidence: A Journey of Self-Trust
A guide to a quality most of us need to reflect on more deeply—and all of us can nurture
Balancing Love and Safety
Setting boundaries is an act of love, protecting yourself while holding space for a healthier relationship in the future.
The Holidays: Cheer, Challenges, and Strategies
Annie Highwater’s guide to surviving and thriving this season.
We Can’t Control Who They Love
Even if we believe our Loved One’s choice of a partner is harmful, it’s their choice to make.
The Nitty Gritty of Natural Consequences In Our Family
Chronicles of a CRAFTy Wife, Part Three
How Our Messy Feelings Got In the Way of Natural Consequences
Chronicles of a CRAFTy Wife, Part Two
Feeling Empowered and Hopeful as an Ally to My Boyfriend
Problematic alcohol use isn’t on anyone’s wish list for a relationship, but CRAFT can make the challenge easier to bear
Unpacking Natural Consequences: What Are They and How Do They Work?
Chronicles of a CRAFTy wife, part one
We Can Guess How She’ll Respond to Our Boundary. Should We Stick With It Anyway?
No one can answer that question for us—but there are some vital guidelines to keep in mind.
We Talk About Everything. Should That Include My Plans To Withdraw When He Drinks?
If you can talk about it together while maintaining trust and openness, then why not?
Does This Story Have An Ending?
Recovery journeys are often long and difficult—believe us, we know—but CRAFT skills can help you not lose your way.
I’ve Been at This for 30 Years. Can You Help Me Live With That?
CRAFT skills can’t guarantee progress, it’s true. But they can help us do our very best by our Loved Ones and ourselves.
We See His Pot Use as a Problem—But Does He?
Sometimes it’s best to focus on the progress our Loved Ones are making, and wait a bit on what worries us.
Handling It All
A 2000 year old metaphor still has a lot to teach us about dealing with tough feelings and situations.
That Bottle I Found: Should I Bring It Up in Therapy?
Alas, we can’t tell you yes or no. But we can offer guides for facing the decision and the challenge it represents.
I Did Something Wrong…Right?
We can’t jump to that conclusion just because an interaction is difficult.
We Live in One Room. Is It Even Possible to Practice CRAFT?
Challenging home circumstances make CRAFT skills all the more valuable
How Are You? No, Really?
Many of us in caregiving roles forget to ask that question of ourselves.
We Want To Help Our Daughter. We Want Some Boundaries Too.
Both of these aims are important and legitimate. CRAFT skills can help us enact them.
Help! Finding CRAFT-Savvy Resources Is a Challenge!
CRAFT-trained service providers are few and far between. Here are some tips for finding them, or finding the next best thing.