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Latest Resource Supplement Posts

“So Many Pathways” To Recovery: A Sister’s Message After Losing Her Brother

“So Many Pathways” To Recovery: A Sister’s Message After Losing Her Brother

A brave and loving look back, and a plea to others to think broadly about options for their Loved Ones. Jaclyn Brown lost her brother Marc to heroin in 2018. While she and her sister tried to support him, the clarity of hindsight is making it painfully clear to her the steps she might have taken, if only she’d known they were possible. But her essay is not about self-judgment; it’s about reaching out to others with a message of hope.

Heavy Cannabis Use and Psychosis: Serious Concerns, Lingering Questions

Heavy Cannabis Use and Psychosis: Serious Concerns, Lingering Questions

Evidence of a correlation exists, and is worrisome. A causal link, however, is still very much in question. Do dabbing and other forms of high-potency cannabis use cause psychotic episodes? We can’t say that definitively yet, but there’s enough evidence of a link that warnings are merited. This article lays out the facts as we know them. 

The Patient’s Journey Through Treatment and Recovery: A Map

The Patient’s Journey Through Treatment and Recovery: A Map

The typical phases, bright spots, hard moments, and takeaways in SUD treatment and recovery. An amazing resource from The Addiction Policy Forum this is a new map of SUD treatment and recovery experiences, from trigger events and seeking care all the way to long-term support.

“Don’t Keep Telling Me I’m Sick. Just Hear Me.”

“Don’t Keep Telling Me I’m Sick. Just Hear Me.”

Dr. Xavier Amador sketches his own journey, and introduces a vital framework for how to relate to a Loved One suffering from anosognosia, a common aspect of mental illness in which the affected person is unaware, or cannot perceive, their own condition. 

Trauma & Recovery

Trauma & Recovery

A weekly meeting to learn about both trauma and the steps trauma survivors can take.

David Scherer, CRAFT Expert & Researcher

David Scherer, CRAFT Expert & Researcher

David Scherer, PhD has been a collaborator on the Allies team from the start. He is a retired clinical psychologist and professor emeritus in the Psychological and Brain Sciences Department at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He worked with adolescents and families for over 35 years, doing research and publishing articles on adolescent development and how to most effectively treat troubled adolescents. Here is a selection of his publications.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)*

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)*

MAT (medication-assisted treatment) is the use of medications in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a whole-patient approach to the treatment of substance use disorders (SUD). Research shows that when treating substance use disorders, a combination of medication and behavioral therapies is most successful.

Behavioral Couples Therapy

Behavioral Couples Therapy

Behavioral Couples Therapy (BCT) is an evidence-based approach , also known as Integrative Behavioral Couples Therapy, or Behavioral Marital Therapy. BCT is designed for married or cohabiting individuals seeking help for alcoholism or drug misuse. BCT sees the substance using patient together with the spouse or live-in partner. Its purposes are to build support for abstinence and to improve relationship functioning. 

Treatment Options for Stimulant Use Disorder

Treatment Options for Stimulant Use Disorder

There are still very few pharmaceutical options to block the effects of stimulants on the body. However, there are more and more therapy options showing encouraging results in treating addiction to stimulants such as crack cocaine and cocaine, methamphetamines, amphetamines and prescription stimulants. Learn more about these promising approaches here.