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Be Part of the Silence

Be Part of the Silence

Watch video from a bird sanctuary in Audubon Park (New Orleans) and learn how “becoming part of the silence” can help, whether you are bird watching or talking to your Loved One.  

Christmas in New Orleans

Christmas in New Orleans

Relax and enjoy the sights and sounds of Christmas in the Garden District, home to some of New Orleans’ most opulent, antebellum mansions. The neighborhood is positively romantic with its gas lights, luscious gardens, fountains, iron gates, and twinkling Christmas lights. 

The RAIN of Self-Compassion

The RAIN of Self-Compassion

Are you feeling burned out, unworthy, anxious, or insecure? In this post, writer Tara Brach shows us how the RAIN of Self-Compassion can tranform doubt, fear, and other negative emotions into openness, warmth, and self-healing. 

Leonard Cohen’s Lament

Leonard Cohen’s Lament

Two inspiring peformances of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" remind us that love and beauty persist, even in the most demanding of times.

The Favorite Dress

The Favorite Dress

What is the emotional equivalent of your favorite outfit?  When your Loved One's actions trigger hard emotions, do you resort to the same old negative reactions  without thinking? Here are some suggestions for  altering those ingrained   responses.

We Can Only Mend Our Own Lives

We Can Only Mend Our Own Lives

It is easy to lose ourselves when we are continually focused on a Loved One with an addiction problem. But to step away and find time to understand our own needs and desires keeps us grounded. We are less angry, resentful, and anxious when we take the time for reflection and self-care. We must not forget to love ourselves.

7 Lessons in Self-Care from a 97-year-old Wonder

7 Lessons in Self-Care from a 97-year-old Wonder

Self-care enables you to be a better friend, spouse, partner, or parent. Regardless of your income, resources, or personal struggles, you should never take better care of others than you do yourself. Here are seven valuable lessons in self-care from one remarkable 97-year-old woman.

Tell Him

Tell Him

This mom and daughter duo, seen here on their first appearance on Britain's Got Talent, uplift and inspire by their connection, their courage, their story. See for yourself…

If You’ve Got Pen & Paper, You’ve Got Power

If You’ve Got Pen & Paper, You’ve Got Power

A number of studies have shown that writing regularly in a journal can improve both mental and physical health. The best way to care for your loved one is to care for yourself, and devoting time to writing and self-evaluation is a key part of Allies in Recovery’s program. Here are some tips for making the most of the tools offered on our member site.

New Mexico Prayer Flags

New Mexico Prayer Flags

The Tibetans believe that hanging prayer flags in high, windy places, spreads compassion, peace, and good will. As the wind passes over the surface, the blessings depicted on the flags are carried to all beings. In this Sanctuary video, filmed in New Mexico, we invite you to pause, take a deep breath, and let a sense of peace wash over you.

Live Like the Moon: Why Gentle Influence Works

Live Like the Moon: Why Gentle Influence Works

The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not  try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. You too can use such quiet power to influence the behaivor of your Loved One and move them towards recovery. Learn how today. 

You Raise Me Up

You Raise Me Up

Watch this stunning interpretation of Josh Groban's song "You Raise Me Up." Whether it's a person, an experience, an idea, or your faith, we all need to be carried at times. 

Mean What You Say! (Lessons from Two Toddlers)

Mean What You Say! (Lessons from Two Toddlers)

It is astonishing how even babies can be passionate about what they say. Watch these be-diapered twins engaging in a deep and animated discussion. Take a breather and let yourself be carried away by their energy.