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Movement In the Right Direction: A Mother’s Letter to Allies

Movement In the Right Direction: A Mother’s Letter to Allies

On Christmas Day, 2023, Allies Member stinkyvan1 wrote a letter of thanks and appreciation to our CEO and founder, Dominique Simon-Levine, who shared it with others on our team. The letter truly speaks for itself, and it put a smile on all our faces. We hope it brings some good cheer and inspiration to you as well.

Discussion Blog Posts

At My Wit’s End!

At My Wit’s End!

Our approach was developed by psychologists who studied families caught in the turmoil of a Loved One’s addiction. There is nothing else like CRAFT, nothing as well studied. There is much opinion about what to do when a Loved One is struggling and consequently causing pain and havoc in the family. There is only one scientifically-validated approach.

From Kratom to Pot, He’s Always On Something

From Kratom to Pot, He’s Always On Something

"He is pretty much continuously under the influence of something. When he first gets up is the only window of non-use, but he is generally very agitated and often verbally abusive, probably due to being in a state of withdrawal. I can't reward or praise him at these times.

I’m So Tired of Fighting and Living Like This

I’m So Tired of Fighting and Living Like This

Active addiction takes over the mind and body. It screams “GET THAT DRUG!” and the body vibrates with the command orchestrated from deep within. “GET OUT OF MY WAY!” Mind/body/soul are wracked with discomfort. Seeking relief becomes the sole objective, overriding any rational thought.

I’d Like to Work One-on-One with a CRAFT Counselor

I’d Like to Work One-on-One with a CRAFT Counselor

Considering how much CRAFT has been studied, it is poorly disseminated across the country. One reason for this is that insurance doesn’t reimburse therapy for the family.  You need to be the identified patient in order for the work with a therapist to be reimbursed.

He’s Hiding a Crack Habit

He’s Hiding a Crack Habit

Because cocaine is done in binges and doesn’t create a physical withdrawal like other drugs, a person can more easily believe the problem doesn’t exist. The binge is over in their eyes, and life returns to normal. There are consequences though, as you point out.

How to Keep Them from Landing Back on the Street

How to Keep Them from Landing Back on the Street

In order to start anew with the process of sobriety, a resident who has relapsed should be sent to a more intensive level of treatment (for example: clinical stabilization services or CSS in Massachusetts), but too often nothing is available and the only option is detox …

Please Don’t Come Home

Please Don’t Come Home

What a relief when a Loved One agrees to go into treatment. Right behind this relief though come, perhaps, several nagging thoughts: What’s next? What if it doesn’t work? Please don’t let him come home……

The “OMG” Phase, and the Traps We Fall Into

The “OMG” Phase, and the Traps We Fall Into

This is the time when the problem has reached a critical mass of recognition. It’s generally characterized by an intense desire to know what, why and how; maybe even who, as in "Who's responsible?" – thoughts on "Phase One" of the addiction/recovery process from an AiR member. 

This is your cue! Learn when to step in …

This is your cue! Learn when to step in …

As you follow the AiR program, you will be making effort each day to (re)build a bridge between you and your loved one. Do not worry if bridges have been burned in the past. Today is a new day and the bridge you need to create between you is built gradually, sustainably, one day at a time.

“I Hope More People Will Discover CRAFT”

“I Hope More People Will Discover CRAFT”

Thank you again so much for the information and time you spent helping us. Duncan*  is now at the purple recovery in Atlanta, Georgia!  He arrived yesterday and I received a call today from him. He was quite tired but so very excited about the place and about the guys at the place.

Life After Section 35

Life After Section 35

In our experience, aftercare planning is part of the section 35 experience. We have seen individuals being supported to step down to sober living and doing very well.  Others ignore what is being suggested, run home and lock the door.

When He Gets Out of Treatment, How Much Should I Help Out?

When He Gets Out of Treatment, How Much Should I Help Out?

There’s a fine line between providing your Loved One with the tools he needs to be able to function in the world and follow his recovery plan (home, transport, communications) … versus enabling him so that he ends up avoiding taking responsibility for himself. You want the items/rewards to be easily removable should he relapse and refuse to stop or get help.  

Am I Doing Enough?

Am I Doing Enough?

AiR member help4t has learned that her daughter is injecting cocaine. Dominique Simon-Levine lists the principal dangers of cocaine injection and helps help4t to answer the question "Am I doing enough?" 

You Can Lead the Way to Change

You Can Lead the Way to Change

The change that I need is not the same as the change my Loved One needs. Making that distinction is important, because so much of our energy tends to be spent on what our Loved One needs to work on. Owning our weaknesses can truly be a strength.

He’s Almost 18 … I Can’t Force Him to Get Help

He’s Almost 18 … I Can’t Force Him to Get Help

The situation with your son is upsetting and complex. It is paralyzing to parent a teen who runs away or threatens to hurt himself, either willfully or passively, with or without substances. If your son’s alcohol and pot use is crossing over into an SUD …

I’m Concerned About My Son’s Nodding

I’m Concerned About My Son’s Nodding

AiR member Layagirl's son has been clean for 11 months with the help of methadone treatments, but from the start he has been experiencing significant nodding. Dominique Simon-Levine explains what might be going on and options for going forward.

Vivitrol: for both alcohol and opiate addiction

Vivitrol: for both alcohol and opiate addiction

It makes sense that your daughter is scared and ashamed. Addiction is so stigmatized, especially the use of opiates. In an ideal world, the family would know what is going on. She would be looked on with compassion for suffering from a chronic condition.