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Handling It All
A 2000 year old metaphor still has a lot to teach us about dealing with tough feelings and situations.
Discussion Blog Posts
How Do We Talk to Our Grandson?
1Sugarbear poses an important question. How do we approach discussions of a Loved One's SUD and its repercussions with younger family members? Guest contributor Leslie Leff, LICSW presents a thoughtful and practical approach.
How Can I Help Her?
michael111 sees a friend in need of help but their contact is pretty limited. How can he use CRAFT? Dominique Simon-Levine charts a course to help this member connect his friend with the support she needs.
We Need to Plan a Visit with HIm
me4clean is planning a visit with her Loved One to have a frank conversation about his drinking. He lives far away and is in legal trouble. Dominique Simon-Levine shares suggestions for approaching this tough conversation.
Should I Confiscate His Drugs?
fissured's Loved One is using at home and she's been confiscating drugs when she finds them. But will this sabatoge the method? Dominique Simon-Levine reponds, illuminating how families can tailor CRAFT to their unique situations.
She’s Trying to Get Her Kids Back, but Still Using
Allies member dhpofamily has guardianship of their grandkids, but mom & dad both use and working out visitation guidelines has been an enormous challenge. Dominique Simon-Levine weighs in with a CRAFT approach.
He May Still Be Gambling
Lynne72 feels conflicted about a recent exchange with her Loved One. He reported some good news, but left out information that left her wanting to inquire further… Here Dominique Simon-Levine shows how we can get CRAFTy with communication skills.
She Says She Won’t Do Residential Treatment
da-mommy's Loved One keeps calling from detox. Full of complaints, she is refusing to go on to residential. In this post, see how the family can find clarity during this unstable time.
He’s Backsliding and Far Away – Should I Fly Down?
This member lives far from her son who struggles with alcohol use. A recent breakup is causing him to backslide after some real progress. Mom wonders if she should fly down to help him through this…yet at the same time she knows her health requires her attention and care right now…
Relapse or No Relapse? How Can I Proceed CRAFTily?
Allies member Milliemouse is keeping a close watch on her son's finances as he navigates early recovery. There seem to have been some slip-ups of late, and she wants to address things in a CRAFTy way. Is it essential to know for sure if there has indeed been a relapse?
I Wish I Could Hire Someone to Help Her Handle Life
Early recovery can feel just as shaky, chaotic and challenge-filled as life before recovery. Help4t's daughter is struggling to keep up with everything, from drug testing toOCC appointments, to outstanding bills etc. Her whole life just seems to be total chaos. How can her family support her right now?
He Won’t Respect Any of Our Boundaries
Tuesday42 needs better strategies for addressing her boyfriend's son's chronic use and troubling behavior in their house. Dominique Simon-Levine takes a fresh look at ways the family can move things along.
She Went to Court for a DUI
Kate44 reaches out for advice about whether or not to pay her Loved One's rent. Read on for Dominique Simon-Levine's suggestions and important considerations.
I Feel Like I’m Drowning…Will I Live Through this?
When I continue struggling and fighting the circumstances that I have done all I possibly can to change or improve, I sink further into them. Continuing to resist and struggle is when I become stuck in misery and madness. Notably anything (and at times anyone) I grab onto for rescue is often a slippery disappointment, taking me further down.
Where Do You Draw the Line?
The way you relate to your Loved One is full of patterns. Though it's not a quick or easy process, Dominique Simon-Levine suggests that changing those deep groves we get stuck in is key to helping your Loved One.
Is Hoping and Praying All I Can Do?
Lynne72's Loved One lives far away and seems to call all the shots. When he only contacts the family on his own terms, it leaves her feeling helpless. Dominique Simon-Levine offers strategies to make small but meaningful shifts, even from afar.
Can You Let Him Suffer on the Couch?
Having myself been on the couch, I can say with almost total assuredness that your partner knows the severe withdrawals are due to the stimulant drug. Blaming depression is his way of getting you off his back. Can you follow these suggestions? Can you let him suffer on the couch until he starts asking for help?
Success! Here’s What We Did That Worked:
Two members share inspiring accounts of their Loved Ones' progress. CRAFT made a huge difference in their lives… read on for heartfelt reflections and meaningful guidance for the whole community.
It May Be Time to Cut Her Off
This member is at the end of his rope, having tried everything to support his partner who is misusing opiates. He may have arrived at the end of his rope. Letting her stay may simply be enabling her addiction and preventing her from feeling the natural consequences of her actions…
He’s Slipping Up and Hiding it from Me Again
abc123's Loved One has been slipping up recently. She's grapping with trust, especially as he may be caring for their son while using. Dominique Simon-Levine suggests a way to shift the dynamics in the coming weeks.
How Could We Let it Come This Far?
iagirlsmom doesn't know how she's managed to let it come to this. Her Loved One seems incapable of respecting any boundary – and she can't seem to enforce them. Dominique Simon-Levine lends her expertise to lay out a simple but meaningful plan for the family.