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Let’s Talk About Crack Cocaine

Let’s Talk About Crack Cocaine

The topic of crack cocaine is a missing link in the discussion about Substance Use Disorder. We don’t talk about it nearly as much as we talk about other stimulants. Why is that? Here, Dominique Simon-Levine provides some answers to this important question.

I Didn’t Want Him to Come Home but Now He’s Here!

I Didn’t Want Him to Come Home but Now He’s Here!

They've been through it all! Ten years in recovery, then 5 of using. So many lies, so much manipulation. He's fresh out of treatment now and she wants to trust him, but she simply doesn't, not yet. Sober housing would have been ideal, but that didn't happen. He's home. Now what?!

You’re Going to Mess Up the Rewards Sometimes

You’re Going to Mess Up the Rewards Sometimes

Did this wife mess it all up by removing rewards when he, in fact, wasn't drinking? Is it possible she inadvertently triggered him to go drink? CRAFT asks you to make numerous split-second decisions every day. You're going to get it wrong sometimes. What then?

Should I Stand Back and Let Her Get Evicted?

Should I Stand Back and Let Her Get Evicted?

This member's daughter has agreed to go to treatment 5 times, and she's done well, but relapses quickly when she gets home.  Now there's a good chance she'll get evicted from the apartment where she's living and using alone. How can Mom approach things differently this time?  What would CRAFT suggest—should she stand by and let the eviction happen?

We Need Help with the Treatment Options List

We Need Help with the Treatment Options List

Module 8 guides you to prepare a List of Treatment Options for your Loved One.  No two lists will look the same. It'll depend on what you feel your Loved One would accept, what they've tried before, what you can afford or insurance would cover, etc. Here we provide some suggestions as you work on your list.

An Inspiring Story of Modeling the Change We Seek

An Inspiring Story of Modeling the Change We Seek

"If my behavior in her presence creates opportunities, I am thinking that my behavior in her non-presence will have to somehow create opportunities."   In this new post we address michael111, devoted friend who gives his struggling Loved One the gift of unconditional love, even if he's not getting that back from her. He has taken CRAFT to heart and credits it for many new developments in his life.

He’s Drinking Again and Anger is the Name of the Game

He’s Drinking Again and Anger is the Name of the Game

Alaska71 is watching her husband spiral back into drinking after a spell in an intensive outpatient treatment. Angry and threatening behaviors abound, and she is also concerned about their teenaged sons, one of whom is expressing anger and blaming his father. Where to begin?

After 20 Years of Use I Don’t Know What to Do Anymore

After 20 Years of Use I Don’t Know What to Do Anymore

Has your Loved One been struggling with SUD for what feels like a lifetime? Do you feel overwhelmed by the complexity of their situation? Do you even know where to start? Laurie MacDougall says self-care and CRAFT are the winning combination. Read on for guidance on what steps to take when your problem looks like Mount Everest.

I’m Trying to Control His Drug Use Through Money

I’m Trying to Control His Drug Use Through Money

This mother is up to her head in exhaustion and anxiety. Panic is always just around the corner. Money is a sticking point and mom realizes that something has got to give. Trying to control his actions through money is not working… Isabel Cooney helps open the conversation about money, and all those other power struggles we hold onto a little too tightly.

Is It Time to Give Up on Him?

Is It Time to Give Up on Him?

Have you also wondered whether it was time to give up, and move on? Whether you have done all you can and need to cut the ties? In this new post we point to ways you can a whole new outlook and rekindle hope when you thought it was lost.

Should I Keep Texting Him When He Doesn’t Answer?

Should I Keep Texting Him When He Doesn’t Answer?

When your Loved One won't answer your calls or texts, it can set you on a roller coaster of negative emotions.  Here, Laurie MacDougall provides insight on how to stay connected when communication doesn't flow and on how to start walking the recovery path, one baby step at a time. 

I Feel So Hopeless: Her Drug Dealer Boyfriend is Brainwashing Her

I Feel So Hopeless: Her Drug Dealer Boyfriend is Brainwashing Her

Can you relate to this mom? She has spent much of her daughter's life battling to find the right supports and treatment, only to now watch her in a heartbreaking backslide. Unfortunately this is a common place to be when your Loved One struggles. Read our suggestions on how to not get stuck in resentment and disappointment. 

His Early Recovery Is Triggering Me

His Early Recovery Is Triggering Me

Throughout our Loved Ones' efforts to stay sober, we often expect them to steadily feel better and accomplish more. However, early recovery is often chaotic and difficult to navigate for everyone. Here, Allies in Recovery friend and beloved contributor Laurie MacDougall, shares what she learned when walking alongside her son on his path to recovery.

New Recovery, New Challenges

New Recovery, New Challenges

Your Loved One went to treatment and has since made great strides towards recovery and abstinence. Things are looking up and yet, you are still taken aback by some of their reactions and responses. Here, Dominique Simon-Levine lays out a plan to support your Loved One’s recovery while staying sane.