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The Biden Administration Is Easing Access to Methadone

The Biden Administration Is Easing Access to Methadone

Fentanyl and other opioids are cutting lives short in numbers we’ve never seen before. Unfortunately, this health emergency hasn’t yet generated the national response we need. But there are some encouraging steps in the right direction—and among them are these new rules on access to methadone.

What Happens In Recovery: A Young Man’s Journey in 2 ¼ Minutes

What Happens In Recovery: A Young Man’s Journey in 2 ¼ Minutes

Fentanyl and other opioids are cutting lives short in numbers we’ve never seen before. Unfortunately, this health emergency hasn’t yet generated the national response we need. But there are some encouraging steps in the right direction—and among them are these new rules on access to methadone.

Fentanyl Is Making “The Worst Overdose Crisis in American History” Worse All The Time

Fentanyl Is Making “The Worst Overdose Crisis in American History” Worse All The Time

Many factors have combined to make recent years the deadliest in history for U.S. drug overdose deaths. At the same time, many policy responses, from bold to incremental, are on the negotiating table. Unfortunately, as this report from Politico explains, most of them are likely to stay there awhile. For now, in the absence of national leadership, it’s up to others to carry on.

Fentanyl Deaths In Communities of Color: A Crisis “Decades In the Making”

Fentanyl Deaths In Communities of Color: A Crisis “Decades In the Making”

A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals the unequal effects of the opioid crisis on Black, Native American, Hispanic, and white populations in the United States. Fentanyl deaths in particular have skyrocketed for all groups—but far more so in Black communities. Understanding the lasting effects of discrimination is essential, both for grasping the problem and seeking solutions.

Borderline Personality Disorder: A Family Takes Its Caring to the Next Level

Borderline Personality Disorder: A Family Takes Its Caring to the Next Level

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) affects nearly 6% of Americans at some point in their lives, but research, treatment, and support for the condition lags far behind other serious mental illnesses. Paula Tusiani-Eng and her parents know first-hand what it’s like to live with, and eventually lose, a loved one suffering from BPD. Their story is remarkable not just because of those challenges, but because of what they decided to do next.

Bromazolam, Delivered By Mail, Is Killing Canadians in Startling Numbers

Bromazolam, Delivered By Mail, Is Killing Canadians in Startling Numbers

Over 20,000 Canadians have died of opioid-related causes since 2020. Many of these deaths involved opioids mixed with Bromazolam or similar illicit sedatives—and most, it appears, reach users via Canadian mail. Until that pipeline can be shut down, awareness may be the best protection families can hope for.

Lessons From Risk (the Board Game) May Help You Change Your Life

Lessons From Risk (the Board Game) May Help You Change Your Life

Eric Zimmer barely survived his twentieth year, when his struggle with heroin was at its worst. In this TED talk, he looks back on the choices he made and strategies he developed that supported his full recovery. Don’t worry if you’ve never played Risk! Eric’s presentation lays it all out clearly.

New Data Proves It: You’re Not Alone

New Data Proves It: You’re Not Alone

A Pew Research Center survey gives us another sharp statistical window on substance use in America. Its findings may surprise you. 46% of Americans have a family member or close friend who’s struggled with substance use disorder.

Debunked in 3 ½ Minutes: Harmful Myths About Family and Recovery

Debunked in 3 ½ Minutes: Harmful Myths About Family and Recovery

It can’t be said too often: substance use disorder is a disease. Yet unlike nearly all other diseases, it’s still often treated as a moral failure, or even a lifestyle choice. This short video illustrates this double standard in the starkest terms. It reminds us that showing care, commitment, and understanding to a Loved One with SUD is not just natural, but also the foundation for helping them at all.

Mental Health: Just How Much Have We Got Wrong?

Mental Health: Just How Much Have We Got Wrong?

Everyone knows that great ideas can spread. But bad ones can also “hang around so long that you can forget you have the option of questioning them.” In this arresting Ted Talk, the entrepreneur and mental health leader Khaliya takes on some ideas that certainly merit questioning, and make a passionate case for trying to “remove our mental health blinders.”