Privacy Policy

We take your privacy seriously and have taken several steps to protect it: The site has been encrypted with HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), a communications protocol for secure communication over a computer network. The site will automatically sign you out after 5 minutes of inactivity to avoid anyone who happens to look at your computer finding the site open and accessible. Emails from us will come from Dominique Simon-Levine. The Allies in Recovery name will never appear in either the “From” or “Subject” lines. Furthermore, nothing having to do with addiction or recovery will appear in either the “From” or “Subject” Lines. To contact one another on this site, we provide a secure private messaging feature. If you choose to share additional contact information, please do so carefully. We ask that you create a username that has no identifying information about yourself or your Loved One. Please avoid using names, nicknames or other identifying information in public comments to the blogs (Discussion, Modules or Treatment blogs). Allies in Recovery reserves the right to delete identifying information in monitoring public comments to the blogs. Allies in Recovery will never rent or sell your private information or contact information. Please help us ensure that your privacy, as well as your Loved One’s, is secure and well protected by following these guidelines. For additional information about your privacy, please read our Terms and Conditions.

Terms & Conditions

Who We Are  The content of is the property of Simon Levine & Co. LLC dba Allies in Recovery (Allies in Recovery). is an instructional and social networking service designed to allow Members to learn tools and techniques to use when someone in their life is struggling with substance abuse. Also the site allows Members an opportunity to communicate with others whose lives have been touched by addiction. The services offered by Allies in Recovery (“Allies in Recovery” or “we”) include the website (the Site) and any other features, content, or applications offered from time to time by Allies in Recovery in connection with the Site (collectively, the “Allies in Recovery Services”). Allies in Recovery services are hosted in the United States of America. Medical Disclaimer Allies in Recovery is not a certified or licensed healthcare provider. Allies in Recovery is not a treatment facility. Allies in Recovery is not a medical organization. Our staff cannot give you medical advice or diagnostic care, services, or supplies related to the health of an individual. Nothing contained in this Website, any Software, or our services should be construed as such medical advice or diagnostic care, services, or supplies related to the physical or mental health of an individual. We specifically disclaim any medical knowledge or affiliation. The information presented and generated by us is educational and should never be a substitute for medical or psychological physician consultation, evaluation, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult with your M.D. before, during, and after visiting our site. No Guarantee of Specific Results At Allies in Recovery, we will do our best to provide our Members with accurate information, tools and techniques. We disclaim any specific outcome. We do not guarantee that you will achieve the outcome you seek from use of our Site. We do not promise or guarantee that you will be cured or that the treatment will be successful. We do not guarantee any particular result or that our tools and techniques will work with your loved one. Our Commitment to Your Privacy: the Privacy Policy At Allies in Recovery, protecting…