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k.d. lang performs “the valley”

SANCTUARY k.d. lang

Freshly inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame, k.d. lang weaves her magic over a hushed crowd at Sydney Opera House, for the Max Sessions, with this haunting performance of Jane Siberry’s “The Valley.”





I live in the hills
You live in the valleys
And all that you know are those blackbirds
You rise every morning
Wondering what in the world will the world bring today
Will it bring you joy or will it take it away
And every step you take is guided by
The love of the light on the land and the blackbird's cry
You will walk in good company
The valley is dark
The burgeoning holding
The stillness obscured by their judging
You walk through the shadows
Uncertain and surely hurting
Deserted by the blackbirds and the staccato of the staff
And though you trust the light towards which you wind your way
Sometimes it feels all that you wanted has been taken away
You will walk in good company
I love the best in you
You love the best in me
And though it is not always easy
The lovely… the lonely
We will walk in good company
The shepherd upright and flowing
You see…



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