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Podcast #47—Facing Addiction’s Michael King Tells His Story

CUFA red pointilés

(39 min) "I'm a college-educated white male. I'm the face of addiction!" declares Michael King. Addressing the way we speak about addiction, he explains "If we end the stories that we tell by just talking about the mess that addiction creates, we're doing a disservice to everybody out there who is looking for help…..I wanna shout from the rooftops that Guess What! We create mountains of mess and we can work through them and make amends for those things that we've done wrong…and then we have the ability to take that experience and try to use it to try to help other people…"

This week's episode is full of hope and information as Laurie and Annie speak with Michael King, of Facing Addiction. Even offering his own contact information for families in need, Michael touches on his own descent into alcoholism, DUI's and professional embarrassment, and his own recovery. From his own recovery he moved into truly embracing the world of recovery, finding a newborn passion for helping others and extending the support system on a national level. He speaks eloquently of the need to spread the word in our communities that recovery is possible!



In your comments, please show respect for each other and do not give advice. Please consider that your choice of words has the power to reduce stigma and change opinions (ie, "person struggling with substance use" vs. "addict", "use" vs. "abuse"...)