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In your comments, please show respect for each other and do not give advice. Please consider that your choice of words has the power to reduce stigma and change opinions (ie, "person struggling with substance use" vs. "addict", "use" vs. "abuse"...)

  1. Passing that bill was just a band aid for the real issues. I realize it’s a start, but now addicts will be swarming and changing/adding to Heroin, as a replacement for opioids. It’s faster, cheaper and extremely available. Baker can’t stop that no matter what. And where do the addicts go for treatment? The places are FULL of those seeking treatment. Desperate families are given little choices, even through sectioning. It’s never really a 90 day court order: it’s more like 2 weeks, then they’re out. Baker should start with treatment, accessibility, court mandatory long term care, etc. …and I believe opioid tapering. Not complete cessation which drives addicts to search for heroin or whatever they can get their hands on. …Allow docs to prescribe a set amount where they have to come in daily for their dose, and withdraw humanely, while waiting for treatment. Give doctors power to section when people OD. There are too many issues at hand here, since addiction is such a complex, complicated, multi-faceted issue. Now what? Health care and police, need to realize these are human beings: someone’s loved ones and to treat them humanely and with dignity. Not demoralize them. There needs to be drop-in community centers, in emergencies where they can find help… and acceptance of people suffering with this disease. It’s tragic, devastating, and there is no end in sight for families who suffer with the effects of addiction.
    I realize the importance of Suboxone and Methadone, but I honestly don’t know if that too is the answer. I have two family members who are heavily addicted to it. It’s substituting one heavy drug for another.
    There are no pat answers to this epidemic. I realize I must sound over the top with opioid tapering by docs, instead of cold turkey withdrawal and that the courts are backed up with sectioning by trying to get treatment for addicts. God help us all. I fear this will be a long long journey, with many mishaps and failures along the way to find a solution to this devastating problem, along with many more overdoses from this deadly scourge. JMHO

    1. It appears that this writer has little understanding about the disease concept of this tragedy we call the Opioid Epidemic. To suggest that Methadone is merely, “…substituting one heavy drug for another” demonstrates a lack of knowledge regarding the medical model of treatment. However, I do agree that this is going to be a long journey with multiple avenues needed to address the problem.