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We Thought We Had Lost Her, but CRAFT Worked

Pink Cherry Tree and Mountain Painting

shelleybobelly shares a raw and painful account of the horrors her Loved One – and family – endured, but shines a light of hope for all of us with a description of having her daughter back, sober, part of the family again.

My daughter has been struggling with Heroin addiction for some time. She first went to treatment when she was 16 and she has been to treatment probably another 20 times since then. We went through all the phases of coming to terms with her disease. We had been to hell and back but with every rehab we learned a bit more and we adjusted our approach. We held our boundaries and applied the tough love approach. About two years ago she was in detox and didn't receive proper care. She ended up throwing up in her sleep and aspirated vomit into her lungs. She was too overly medicated to wake up. She ending up in the ICU for 10 weeks and she almost died several times. It was the most stressful time for our family. She managed to come through and we felt maybe this was gods way of helping her stop the drugs. She manage to regain her strength. Learned how to walk again and went to rehab. She returned home and got a job and really started to rebuild her life. Read this member’s full comment here.

It is heartbreaking that your daughter and your family had to endure this trauma before finding a path out. But you found a path. Your story – with all of the painful twists and turns it contains – is a gift. CRAFT works. A family member can learn to intervene and get a Loved One into treatment.

Shelleybobelly, you have given us a tremendous lesson. It is an amazing account, of the horrors of addiction, the juggernaut addiction causes in the family… and of hope, plain and simple. Thank you. We will be affected by what you have written for a long time.



In your comments, please show respect for each other and do not give advice. Please consider that your choice of words has the power to reduce stigma and change opinions (ie, "person struggling with substance use" vs. "addict", "use" vs. "abuse"...)

  1. I hope it does help someone to keep the hope alive. That has been key for me and it has not always been easy. CRAFT has helped me a great deal and I do think it is a good balanced approach. I really have loved the podcasts and I would usually listen before bed and that helped me keep my head in the right place. Truly enjoyed listening.

    1. It’s good to hear the podcasts are useful. They are a labor of love. Annie and Laurie have lived this world of addiction. Their wisdom is hard earned and generously given. May you have a peaceful day.