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I Will Not Lie for Him or Make Up Excuses

gym class

Hi mlb2t, I know exactly how you feel (Read mlb2t's recent comment here). There was a time when I solely focused on my son too. I had to step back and take a look at what I was doing. I was in a bad state and had to find a way out of it. I was no good to anyone, not me, not my son and no one else in my family. I found that I was neglecting everything in my life, which led to irrational responses and actions towards my son (and other family members too). I had to find a way to get back to a better spot and I realized that meant working on myself.  Maybe sharing some things I did might help you? 

  1. First thing I did was to get professional help. 
  2. Then I decided I would attend meetings, Al-anon was my first choice. 30 meetings in 30 days, I decided I would do what they expected my son to do in order to get better. I know others might not be able to make so many meetings but this was my personal commitment. In the meetings I started to find a group of people that knew exactly how I was feeling and did not judge me.
  3. From there I started doing things for myself, getting my nails done, exercising, anything that I liked to do.

Just these three steps helped lead me to other ways to improve on my situation. I learned to appreciate everything in my life no matter how small. My eyes were open to things I had never noticed before. I have two beautiful daughters and an incredible husband. I even started to appreciate that I am one of the lucky ones, I still have my son and I am going to love him every day that I have him. This led to even more improvement.

  1. Started attending Learn to Cope and helping other families. 
  2. Found the Allies In Recovery website.

These were two steps I found to be incredibly healing. At Learn to Cope meetings I facilitated and worked helping others deal with their situation. The Allies In Recovery website got me on the right path to better communication. I hesitate to say with my son because I use these communication techniques now with everyone I come in contact with. I learned to stop fighting, begging, and pleading. None of these things worked. It wasn’t until I found a quiet place within myself that I saw being quiet and listening worked a lot better.

Now I have strategies and a plan in place when I am communicating with my son. I listen and repeat what he says to me so that he knows I heard him. When he is trying to work through a problem and telling me about it I limit my input to “yes”,  “no”, and “I don’t know”. If that doesn’t work and it’s getting heated then I just agree! I say things like, “Yes I agree with you, I’m sick and I’m crazy and I belong in a hospital. Right now that sounds pretty good to me!” I also use phrases like ”I don’t understand, help me to understand…”, and “Please tell me about it…”.  I request things of him instead of demand. I try to be genuine when I am communicating and not sarcastic because it’s the truth, I really don’t understand and I want to help. I find that when I do this he seems to calm down a bit and knows I’m listening.  I think he feels heard, something new for him. Looking back I think I learned that I should treat him with respect and compassion, all things I learned in Al-anon. But it was Allies In Recovery that showed me how to implement this in my life.

Another gain for me in all of this is that I am better able to determine what is mine to solve and what is his. Boundaries have become really important to me. I use them to keep myself safe. I will not lie for him or make up excuses. My boundaries are in place to uphold my integrity and morals and values. I will not bend on my boundaries or my values but I will always stay respectful. He can be as loud and try to manipulate me as much as he wants but I will quietly not lose myself. If I did the disease would win.

I also respect his boundaries. I noticed that many times I expected him to be in charge of my happiness. I thought if he was sober I would be happy. Then I realized that my happiness is not his responsibility and I was overstepping a boundary expecting him to do something so I could feel better. Just as I wanted him to take control of his disease I needed to take control of my own baggage. My expectations of him were contributing to the shame and embarrassment that comes along with this disease. This was the last thing I wanted. I learned to ask myself “Am I saying this to him because I want something from him, do I have an underlying motive for saying this?” … Then I try determine whether it was a legitimate motive or just me trying to impose my own ideas onto him. I want him to respect my boundaries so, I may not like his ideas or choices but they are his not mine, and I need to respect him.

As far as others' opinions on what I have or have not done, I really have learned to not engage in those conversations. I do say right out that no one has any idea of what research or action I’ve taken and if they would like to know my philosophies I will share with them. If they are interested I will bring them to the Allies In Recovery website and let them know that this is what guides my plan of action, not someone who's not really involved. I have done this with people in my life (my daughters) and find that it is pretty effective. I let them know that what I choose to do is going to be founded on my experience and education alone but I would be happy to educate them on the topic if they would like.

Please understand that my healing did not come easy and did not come overnight. It has been an extremely difficult journey and I am still not great at it. It was really small baby steps at a time and I still have many times when I just lose it and cry.  What is different now is I have a bunch of tools in my tool box to utilize. Just like playing an instrument or a sport I have to exercise my brain and practice. There have been many times in this journey that I have had to go back to square one and be reminded of how to find my serenity again.The more I practice though, the faster it comes back. I think you are on the right track mlb2t to getting better and finding even just a small piece of healing. You deserve it. Remember, you are not alone.

Laurie is a former math teacher, residing​ in Dartmouth, MA, and extremely active in the recovery community. She currently devotes most of her energy to REST, a non-traditional support group that offers land and online video meetings, access to training in the CRAFT method, and a crisis toolkit helping families create their own individualized crisis plan. ​Her work is guided by a desire to improve the community’s response and end the​ stigma associated with Substance Use Disorder. Laurie loves skiing and ice hockey, and is at her happiest when spending time with her husband and three children. Read her articles on our blog or tune in to the podcast she co-hosts for Allies in Recovery: Coming Up for Air.



In your comments, please show respect for each other and do not give advice. Please consider that your choice of words has the power to reduce stigma and change opinions (ie, "person struggling with substance use" vs. "addict", "use" vs. "abuse"...)

  1. Thank you Laurie so much for that response. A few years back I worked the AIR program directly with Dominique and I have to remind myself that through that I believe both my husband, an alcoholic and my oldest son, a drug addict found ways to recovery by me working the program for myself. I have just been sad that my middle son has not found recovery yet. I keep going back to working the program and have to constantly remind myself that it is for me that I am doing it and if in the end he decides to help himself then I will feel that I may have helped him by helping myself. My oldest son keeps reminding me that I have him and my daughter to be so grateful for because they are both accomplishing things in their lives. I now try to find at least one thing each day that is positive. I can tend to be so negative and only see the bad and wrong things instead of looking for the good things. I have definitely been doing more things for myself like bike riding, kayaking during the summer, hiking and walking. I have started to put myself first instead of always trying to make sure that he has ways of getting to places he needs to get to or just doing things for him that need to be done. He can always find a way to get to where he goes to buy his drugs. I have found that since I have been doing this and putting more things in God’s hands I have been happier. I can’t say that there aren’t many days that I don’t cry, but I feel that I need that at times also. That is also a form of healing. I have to say that if I am more calm, things seem to be more calm overall in the house. So, thank you so much for your thoughts and your suggestions.