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“I Hope More People Will Discover CRAFT”

family out jogging biking

An AiR member recently wrote in to share news of her son's arrival at an inpatient facility:

"Thank you again so much for the information and time you spent helping us. Duncan*  is now at the purple recovery in Atlanta, Georgia!  He arrived yesterday and I received a call today from him. He was quite tired but so very excited about the place and about the guys at the place. He told me it was so cool and it felt like a sober frat house 🙂  They took him to an alumni's house very close to the center, and listened to music and then he played ping-pong at the center and stayed up quite late but is very very excited about being there. He had so much to tell me on the phone already.  I am assuming that they kept him up late and kept him busy to help him through the first night with no marijuana. He said it was hard but he's ok, although tired, and will sleep well tonight. What a great way to help someone through that first night!

FYI- he also told me they have a volleyball court on site and are going on a run tomorrow, rock climbing the next day, and to CrossFit the following day. That type of physical activity is absolutely perfect for Jacob.

I am so grateful …. this place …. is a much better fit and I am not using all of my savings to send him there. So thank you very much. I also used the craft method to have the talk with him on Wednesday, and that was what allowed him to open up and talk a bit and then agree to get more help.

I sincerely hope that more and more people, who are dealing with addiction, will discover craft to help their loved ones. I realize that we are just starting on a path to recovery but feel craft was a big help thus far already."

*name changed



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