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Long-Distance Chorus

Sanctuary - Long Distance Chorus Elementary School nytimes

I am going to start off by admitting that I have been avoiding news sources like the plague/pandemic.

During France's shutdown I was hunkered down here in Normandy with my kids: one disappointed first-year college student robbed of her second semester alone in Paris, one high-school sophomore determined not to do any work at all but still pass, and one young toddler thrilled to see her sisters more, and of course completely unaware of the global and local weirdness.

Just trying to manage on a day-to-day basis, and keeping up my fully virtual job for Allies in Recovery, was plenty for me. I got my news, along with the latest French government rules and regulations, from my poly-sci major kid who absorbs more 'news' than most people I know.

So when I logged on to this morning to verify a coronavirus-related stat someone texted me, it was a bit frightening. I didn't really want to face all of the death and destruction. So it's probably not a huge surprise that within seconds I clicked on a seemingly uplifting piece called "A Bit of Relief: The Long-Distance Chorus".

Oh man. So, so great. I'm so glad I did.

I know it's so tempting to click on videos vs. reading or listening to audio. But I highly recommend listening to the audio piece (the true New York Times piece here) first. 

please? listen to the audio first! click here…



and of course, you will not be disappointed by this short video montage of the same 5th grade class in virtual performance. 





In your comments, please show respect for each other and do not give advice. Please consider that your choice of words has the power to reduce stigma and change opinions (ie, "person struggling with substance use" vs. "addict", "use" vs. "abuse"...)