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King’s Return Encore: “Amazing Grace” Acapella

Photo credit: youtube

The Dallas-based quartet often focuses on spiritual and gospel music, and like any truly gifted performers, they make even the most familiar classics sound and feel brand new. This time, they’ve chosen a song that never gets old, and one with a special resonance for many in our Allies community.

Late last year, it was our pleasure to share with you this astonishing performance of “Ave Maria” by the acapella masters known as Kings Return. Now we’re happy to introduce another triumph by the Fabulous Dallas Four.

Recording once again in a humble stairwell, Kings Return this time picks up “Amazing Grace,” and gives it that special, honey-smooth but immensely powerful treatment that’s made them favorites not just in Texas but across the country and beyond. Enjoy!

P.S. Gospel is their mainstay, but it’s not the only style Kings Return can handle. If you want to be convinced, just listen to this stunning take on Paul Simon’s “Bridge Over Troubled Water.”
