Podcast: “Annie and Laurie Tell Their Own Stories”
Coming Up for Air brings together two Allies in Recovery moms, Annie Highwater and Laurie MacDougall, for thoughtful discussion on a range of topics pertaining to addiction in the family. Both Annie and Laurie spent years struggling with an addicted loved one. In this podcast series, they share their stories and experiences in the hope that you will relate in some way, that you will learn from them and be reminded that you are NOT ALONE.
In this episode, Laurie and Annie tell their own stories as mothers facing an addicted loved one. They discuss their backgrounds and family dynamics, speak about their lives leading up to and through their personal experiences with the national opiate crisis. These are two very different paths leading to the same journey of recovery. Their compelling stories confirm that addiction is a disease and it’s a family disease that can happen to any family in any community. We must recover together.
Meet our hosts:
Laurie MacDougall is the mother of three, and a former high school math teacher, residing in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. She is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Social Work at Boston University. She is particularly interested in how community organizations can improve the impact they have on the opiate epidemic. Laurie’s overarching goal is to end the stigma associated with the disease of addiction, through education. She loves skiing and ice hockey, and is at her happiest when spending time with her family.
Annie Highwater is a long distance runner, health and wellness advocate, and researcher of behavioral science. She is particularly interested in family pathology and concepts of dysfunction and conflict. Annie resides in Columbus, Ohio where she enjoys writing, hiking, the great outdoors. She also visits her son in Southern California as often as possible. In 2016, Annie published her memoir, Unhooked: A Mother’s Story of Unhitching from the Roller Coaster of Her Son’s Addiction. The story is especially relevant in helping us all understand the personal challenges facing parents and family members, and how family dynamics both help and hinder the recovery process.
You can also check out Allies in Recovery’s blog, where Laurie and Annie are both contributors.
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