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Allies is free to you, the family, recovery worker, addiction professional, or anyone interested in helping a person with addiction.

The Allies Program includes:

Self-guided eLearning videos & worksheets w/ CRAFT and more

Weekly LIVE groups on Zoom w/ training, skills, & support

Weekly podcasts featuring real-world application of CRAFT

Weekly Q&A blog posts answering member questions

Substance use & recovery articles w/ new content added weekly

Welcome to Allies. Please create your account below.

Your zip code is your promo code.

*Your username will be visible to other members.

Allies in Recovery collects your email address for communication purposes only.

The Allies Program is FREE TO YOU because Massachusetts, Rhode Island, The University of Mississippi Medical Center, Palm Beach County, Florida, Mount Marty University, SD, and others, understand the critical importance of training and supporting the family of those with addiction.

Looking for more information? Visit our homepage.